This is a no fail recipe for succulent beef brisket. It goes together very quickly and produces a tender and flavorful meat. It's great by itself and also...
I have based this recipe on one that I've used from here several times, Recipe#57130 posted by kcdelong. Even though the original was very good,sometimes...
Unusual method for turning an economical low-fat roast into a delicious, tender, juicy, pink inside delight! Follow the instructions to the letter for...
If you like seasoned food you will love this!The mixture on this is done to perfection. This recipe was given to me about 25 years ago. Once you make a...
This came from the April 1998 Chatelaine magazine. Since then, its the ONLY recipe I have used for a good cut of beef. The cooking time indicated here...
Don't be afraid of all the garlic in this! It gets really mild from the long cooking process and gives the meat a wonderful flavor. This is a favorite...
If you like bleu should love this easy meal. Prep time is the length of time to let the meat marinade as well as to create the final sauce....
The inspiration for this delicious roast comes from chef John Besh's father-in-law, Pat Berrigan, who serves it every Christmas with horseradish sauce...
This pot roast needs no knives... it's tender and absolutely delicious. "Alcatra" comes from the term "alcatre", the Portuguese word for "rump", indicating...
This is a super easy recipe and SO good! Makes it's own gravy. I adapted this from my favorite crock pot recipe for pot roast. Just cook and serve with...
You have selected a wonderful cut of beef, rib-eye roast is a whole cut of beef before it has been cut in to rib-eye steaks, follow the directions on this...
Texas BBQ has four different styles of BBQ. In the East Texas style, the beef is smoked over hickory wood and then the brisket is chopped into fine pieces,...
Slow cooking is the best method for an eye of round roast, I have cooked eye of round many times in a Crock-Pot with fantastic results, and you can use...
This rub adds a wonderful flavor to the roast and the gravy is to die for. My kids aren't huge fans of roasts but they did like this one. I cooked a 5...
This is great for my family because there aren't very many of us and sometimes a roast is just too much. Soup is always a popular option here, and is a...
THIS IS NOT LIKE HASH FROM A CAN! This was passed down from my mom. If you like comfort food this is for you! This is a general recipe, you can alter how...
This special prime rib recipe has received rave reviews from folks at Epicurious, and is a time-tested repeat holiday dish for many of them. The jus goes...
This very authentic version of Chili Colorado was submitted by CoffeeHeaven on My family and I are huge Mexican Food fans and I'm always...
This is from Paula Deen of Food TV and is what I fixed for Christmas Dinner 2005. I was tempted to open the oven to check how things were going, but I...
Red wine or beef broth, chopped dill pickles, and zesty mustard set this succulent beef pot roast apart from the rest. The cooking time makes it just right...
Prep time includes browning the roast, this is started on top of the stove then finished cooking in the oven --- the exact amounts really do not matter...
i don't have a clue where i got this recipe from, actually it is written on a napkin that is disintergrating. Try it, the end results are really good....
This is a great special occasion recipe. I made it for my family for Christmas a few years back and everyone loved it! The sauce is a delicious touch!...
This is so easy to put together, and great served with cooked noodles. I have many crock pot recipes that I have collected over the years, and this is...
I needed to conquer what promised to be an especially tough bottom round roast from a steer who lived his life chomping only grass & clambering up & down...
A tasty pot roast with a rich sauce. Serve with potatoes and steamed carrots. The vinegar added to the gravy gives it a "sauerbraten" flavor and can be...
From the original Lawry's The Prime Rib on La Cienaga Blvd. in Beverly Hills. An elegant way to serve your prime rib roast. I'll also post the horseradish...
This is my mother's recipe, and a favorite of everyone who's ever tasted it. It takes a long time to cook, but very little prep. Start it in the morning,...